EIB - European Investment Bank
As a membership based Public-Private Partnership (PPP) expertise network with a mission to help strengthen the capacity of the public sector to undertake PPPs, the European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC) is an important component of the EIB’s Advisory Services (AS) department. Created in 2008, EPEC provides PPP institutional, policy and upstream project support to its public sector Members (mainly central government PPP Units), the lending activities of the EIB and the implementation of EU policies. Through its activities, it helps its 41 Members and related public bodies to adopt conductive PPP policies and legal/institutional frameworks, build sound PPP pipelines, accelerate implementation and improve the management of PPP projects that thereby deliver value for money to the public sector. In its upstream PPP project advisory role, EPEC provides strategic advice to public authorities on assessing the PPP option and on planning and preparing PPPs for procurement. EPEC’s expertise can be accessed directly or through the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) another component of EIB’s advisory services and one of the supporting pillars of the Investment Plan for Europe.