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Tax news in South Africa
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Mazars executive on the tax problem facing South Africa
Weak economic activity during the Covid-19 crisis is likely to leave the South African Revenue Service (SARS) with a complex tax collection problem at the end of the year, according to Mazars South A
28 May 2020
TaxTim and PwC continue their African expansion
Cape-Town based tax solution firm TaxTim has leveraged its partnership with Big Four accounting and advisory firm PwC to expand into the Nigerian market, continuing its African expansion.
09 April 2020
Tax consultant on the new Covid-19 essential goods concession
Tax Consulting SA reports that the new tax regulations implemented by the South African Revenue Services (SARS) as of March 25th this year present a challenge for the government, as they look to find
07 April 2020
Tax Consulting SA dissects SARS' new position on fraud
Tax Consulting SA has lauded the South African Revenue Service’s (SARS) new hardline stance on defaulting as an effective means of improving collections in the country.
26 March 2020
Mazars tax executive on the latest budget statement
Inflation-adjusted income tax brackets introduced in the latest budget statement by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni are a promising step towards reinjecting momentum in South Africa’s economy.
09 March 2020
New provisions on expat tax unlikely to stop financial emigration
Attempts in the new budget statement to prevent South African expats from terminated their tax residencies might do little to solve the problem, according to Tax Consulting SA executives.
03 March 2020
Corporate tax hikes are an unnecessary burden on SA's economy
EY has become the latest of the Big Four accounting and advisory firms to recommend a relaxation of the corporate tax rates in South Africa.
26 February 2020
Deloitte's expectations from the upcoming budget statement
Ahead of the budget statement 2020 to be delivered by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni next week, Deloitte has highlighted the need for the government to announce business-friendly policies in order to
25 February 2020
Areas of unforeseen expenditure during the emigration process
Moving abroad can be expensive as it is, and costs are often compounded by unforeseen expenditure that comes from unfamiliar territory.
21 February 2020
PwC's recommendations for the upcoming SA budget
In anticipation of the upcoming budget speech at the end of this month, PwC South Africa has offered its predictions and recommendations for the much anticipated statement.
14 February 2020
Expat tax could be seen as a mechanism to ensure compliance
A senior executive at Tax Consulting SA has indicated that the highly debated and anticipated expat tax to be implemented in March this year is more of a “scare tactic” than anything else, pushing So
16 January 2020
New tax bill might not bring much respite for South Africans
In light of the new tax bill passed by the National Assembly in South Africa, senior executives at Tax Consulting SA claim that the new measures do little to ease the pressure on individual South Afr
03 December 2019
Mixed reviews for South Africa's taxation system
New analysis from PwC that examined tax practices and mechanisms across the globe has reflected a decline in South Africa’s taxation system relative to the global scenario.
29 November 2019
Tax Consulting SA professionals edit new LexisNexis expat tax book
Tax Consulting SA and publishing database LexisNexis have collaboratively heeded the call for more clarity on the imminent expat tax due to be rolled out in South Africa.
14 November 2019
Proper emigration procedure is crucial to manage expat tax
In an attempt to add some clarity to the provisions of the newly instated expat tax, Expatriate Tax Legal Manager at Tax Consulting SA Jonty Leon has provided a detail breakdown of the varying catego
30 October 2019
Cova Advisory executives comment on managing the Carbon Tax
Gauteng-based management consultancy Cova Advisory has highlighted that businesses in South Africa have the opportunity to retrieve a large portion of their revenues that they lose to the newly insta
26 September 2019
A tax revolt might be underway amongst South African citizens
Prominent corruption has significantly dented trust in the South African government, which – among other repercussions – has brought about a sentiment of tax revolt amongst the public.
10 September 2019
Deloitte executive breaks down provisions of the new Carbon Tax
While the new carbon tax being implemented in South Africa is likely to prove a significant weight on businesses across the country, Director of Global Investment and Innovation Incentives at Deloitt
27 August 2019
South African expats are taking hasty steps to avoid expat tax
South Africans living abroad who are trying to mitigate the effects of the imminent expat tax are taking a number of missteps in their haste to get their finances in order, according to specialists a
23 August 2019
Obsolete laws may be contributing to South Africa's offshoring problem
The draining of talent and wealth from the South African economy to international markets is an issue that appears to be persistent in its intensity.
30 July 2019
South Africa's mining sector seeks assurance in the wake of the new Carbon Tax
David French, Director of Tax Consulting at Mazars, has offered his take on the newly instated Carbon Tax in South Africa, claiming that the repercussions of the new bill will be evident for the gove
24 July 2019
New Carbon Tax Bill to raise operational costs for businesses across South Africa
The new Carbon Tax Bill that has come into effect in South Africa as of June 1st is set to inflict substantial costs on businesses in the country as they look to transform their operations in line wi
06 June 2019
Structuring taxes to pay education fees has its benefits, and risks
The margins for employer bursaries in South Africa have been widened recently, which has presented a substantial opportunity for businesses across the country to attract talent via tax planning struc
05 June 2019
South African companies to be amongst the worst hit by expat tax
As the realities of the proposed expat tax gradually come to light, experts at financial consultancy Tax Consulting SA have indicated that the new policy is likely to hit companies and employers hard
16 April 2019
Tax Consulting SA's recommendations for the newly appointed SARS commissioner
As Edward Kieswetter takes over as the new Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (SARS), a combination of gathering information form accountants and extracting the authoritative power of
12 April 2019
SARS can legally charge firms with an audit fee for extra resources
Based on judicial rulings on a recent case, Senior Tax Attorney at Tax Consulting SA Jean du Toit has illutarted how the South African Revenue Services (SARS) is well within its right to charge a fir
02 April 2019
South Africans need not worry about the 'bracket creep' after budget announcments
While the lack of alterations to tax brackets in tandem with inflation might appear to threaten the future income of a large portion of South Africa’s middle class, Tanya Tosen of Tax Consulting Sout
14 March 2019
Expat tax might dent competitiveness of South African professionals abroad
As the South African government makes preparations to introduce the expat tax at the start of March next year, professionals at Tax Consulting SA have asserted that the law in its current form is un
21 February 2019
Five areas of expected change in the personal income tax policy of South Africa
Tax Consulting South Africa has weighed in on the tax discussion in the country yet again, this time enumerating five key areas of the current revenue system where significant changes can be expected
29 January 2019
An increase in tobacco tax might not be helpful for revenue levels in SA
While experts and policy makers focus on tax rates and their role in developing capacity within the South African Revenue Services (SARS) Chief Economist at economy consultancy Econometrix Azar Jammi
25 January 2019
High-income South African expats are set to be taxed nearly half their income
Stringent regulations are set to come in place for South African expats who earn more than R1 million, with experts predicting that they could be taxed as much as 45% of their income by the governmen
23 January 2019
PwC Partner argues against evidence of profit-sharing tactics in South Africa
New research has revealed that the shifting of revenues from South Africa to tax havens is causing an 80% dent in overall revenue flow in the market, leading to widespread public outcry.
16 January 2019